How To Break In Your Dirtbike

14 04 2011

Got that new piston, can’t stop bragging to your friends how much power your bike is going to have? Well, this break in procedure will ensure maximum power and performance out of those new engine components.

Breaking in your engine should be done after replacing a piston, rings, anything in your reciprocating assembly such as a crankshaft or bearings, or a new cylinder. Once you have fully assembled your bike, CHECK CHECK CHECK everything to make sure you are not missing parts. Look around your work area just to make sure nothing is left. Once you are sure that every piece is back on your bike its time to get ready for the break in. Make sure your bike has a NEW filter and oil in it. Once your bike is filled with lots of fluids its time to head out. Don’t go to the track, if you can avoid it, just try to find a road where it’s legal or semi-legal to ride. You are looking for a flat stretch to ride on.

DEP Pipes and Exhaust can be purchased from

The break in procedure for 2 and 4 strokes is the same. Start it up, listen to those new engine components. Sounding pretty sweet aren’t they? Let your bike warm up slowly, no snaps of the throttle like you like to always do to warm it up, just be gentle. Once warmed up start making passes back and fourth at about ¼ throttle for about 5 minutes. It’s recommended that you let it cool, but myself and Jimmyhoffa see no real reason behind this. We understand what people think it does, but it really doesn’t do anything for you. Next start to make some ¼ to ½ throttle passes for about 10 minutes. Try to only use the throttle range specified. Once you have completed that, check everything on your bike again to make sure it is all still good. Next is what you have been waiting for ½ to full throttle passes for about 5 minutes. Listen to make sure everything sounds good during these passes. Well, here is the super secret magic break in part that really makes your bike run great. While making some ½ to full throttle passes, shift up a couple of gears to where your bike is starting to bog even at full throttle. Keep it pinned even while it is bogging and hold it until it cleans up. Do this about 15 times and you will be blowing all your buddies away with your new found compression.

Afterwards, at least thumpers change your oil and filter for sure, 2 strokers I would recommend you change your oil but it is not necessary. There you go, you’re done. Trust me this procedure works. I have used it many times, and plan on using this same procedure to break in my bike which I just spent $2200 in parts on. Ya it works and I trust it.

Special thanks to for contributing material!

See you on the trails!



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